One Cause At a Time – Archive

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Posts Tagged ‘St. Louis

How A Chicago Guy Grew Up in St. Louis

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Every month, Chicago Now Bloggers participate in “Blogapalooz-Hour”, where we all write about a particular topic in one hour’s time, and this month’s topic is “Write about the first time you felt like you were a grown-up.” What’s particularly ironic is that I felt like a grown-up….when I moved to St. Louis and lived there for seven years. Short story – after leaving grad school, moved to Oregon because I got engaged. Planned on settling down, work in the chemical dependency field…and then the relationship ended. After finding a job in St. Louis at the urging of one of my friends, I moved to St. Louis during a very hectic December, living there until I moved back to Chicago in March 2007 because of my mother’s health.

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Written by gordondym

January 25, 2017 at 10:00 pm